
Thank you for your interest in advertising on Claiming Our Space.

We only accept advertisements and giveaways that we believe our followers and readers would truly be interested in. Additionally, we give honest feedback at all times.

If you are interested in marketing your product or service on our blog, please email us at and we can discuss whether your product or service is a good fit for our audience.

If you would like to advertise with Claiming Our Space, there are several options to choose from:
  • Product Review - Send a sample of your product for to test or use in a DIY project and for a nominal fee we will write a post/tutorial about it. You will also receive a 125x125 ad space on the right hand sidebar for 1 month, free of charge.  The post will be minimum of 200 words and include pictures featuring your product. The post featuring your product will also be promoted through the Claiming Our Space Twitter feed and will be pinned to a Claiming Our Space Pinterest board.

  • Giveaway - Provide a product or gift card with a value over $25 and for a nominal fee your product will be featured as a Giveaway during our Tout It Tuesday linky party. You will also receive one 125x125 ad space on the right hand sidebar for 1 month, free of charge.  These parties get the most traffic every week. The giveaway will be will also be promoted through the Claiming Our Space Twitter feed.

  • Ad Space - Purchase ad space on the sidebar for a nominal monthly fee. Right now there are 125x125 spaces and 210x210 spacesavailable. Please contact us for pricing.
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or would like to explore these, or other possible, advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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